
Playable Ads for App

Playable ads for app to achieve better results with a cheaper Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

Longer attention compare to video ads
0 %
0 %
Conversion rate than traditionnal video ads
0 x
More effective compared to other ads
0 %

playable ads for app can be a solution ?

If your company has an app, you may have already encountered one of these problems…

What if I told you that there was a way to solve all these problems at once without spending much? Playable ads will make you stand out from the competition with something unique and efficient.
Want to try it?


Why playable ads will help your app?

People don’t like to download apps without knowing if they’re really going to be useful,
 we’re going to prove to them that they are

More Engaged User 👫

Playable ads teach users how to use the app and attract more proactive customers.


More qualified leads 🌟

All leads generated by playable ads are interested people who want to know more and are much more likely to become future customers.

Less cost 🪙

Playable ads offer a much higher ROI per customer compared to traditional ads.


More data 📊

Playable ads can collect more customer data without being invasive.

More meaningful 🔍

Playable ads are 32% more memorable and Users pay 47% more attention compared to traditional ads.


How playable ads for app work?

Our playable ads create a fun atmosphere, present the app
 and redirect the user to the app store in 3 steps


user interaction

We show the user that he is in contact with a playable ad and that he can interact with the ad.


Present your app
in an interesting way

People don’t have time or patience for ads, that’s why we believe ads should be fun. This is the most important part, we have to leave the customer wanting more.


Turn the user into
a customer

After showing a preview of how the app works, now is the time to direct this user to your app page so they can install and have the full version.

Give it a try

Try a demo of a Playable ad and imagine how you could apply it to your app.
If you would like to bring this idea to life, please contact us.

Got a question?

asked questions

If your company has an app and wants to improve user acquisition and retention in app while spending less, this service is for you. Now, if your company doesn’t have an app, you can still use playable ads in other strategies. Find out more on our services page.

The production cost of playable ads is slightly higher than traditional ads, but the final results have a lower customer acquisition cost. If you want to know the exact value, contact our team to create a budget.

More attention from users; More meaningful ads; More qualified lead; Better brand awareness; More customer data without being invasive; Lower Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

No, after the playable ads are finished you are free to use the playable ad as many times as you want for as long as you want. Although we do not recommend using it for a very long period without changing anything, our team can support future updates or even create new ones.

Yes, all data collected is GDPR compliant.

Please contact us with your company information so we can prepare a demo.

We develop playable ads to be compatible with the main platforms on the market.


Got a projet?

Let’s talk
