
Playable Ads for Brands

Playable ads for brands engage users, boost awareness, and drive higher conversion rates

Longer attention compare to video ads
0 %
0 %
Conversion rate than traditionnal video ads
0 x
More effective compared to other ads
0 %

What are playable ads for brands?

Playable ads are interactive ads where the player can access a mini game or quick tutorials without leaving the ad. Although this format emerged with mobile games, many companies use playable ads beyond the gaming industry.

People are drowning in information. Creating content that is relevant to people’s lives has become a difficult task and that’s where playable ads for brands can help.

By enabling user interaction with the playable ad, is it possible to have an organic experience that converts into qualified leads and a more effective campaign. All this with a lower Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).


Why playable ads will help your brand?

People are exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 ads EVERY DAY,
but fewer than 10 are remembered throughout the day. Our duty is to create those 10 survivors.

More Engaged User 👫

Playable ads allow you to create an organic experience between the ad and the customer. This proactivity increases the time the consumer spends in direct contact with the brand.


More qualified leads 🌟

All leads generated by playable ads are individuals who have chosen to interact with the brand of their own free will, increasing the likelihood of them becoming future customers.

More data 📊

Playable ads are able to collect data that traditional ads cannot, such as the user’s preference and whether they actually saw the ad. All this without being invasive.


More meaningful 🔍

Playable ads offer an interactive and fun experience, enabling the creation of an affective memory that will be remembered in the future.


How playable ads for brands work?

All our playable ads are designed to convey the brand message
to your customers in the best possible way.


user interaction

We show the user that he is in contact with a playable ad and that he can interact with the ad.


Show that your content is relevant
and entertaining.

People don’t have time or patience for ads, that’s why we believe ads should be fun. This is the most important part, we have to leave the customer wanting more.


Convey your message
and redirect the user

All users who reach this stage are much more attentive and receptive to messages. Now’s the time to act and push them into action.

Give it a try

Try a demo of a Playable ad and imagine how you could apply it to your brand.
If you would like to bring this idea to life, please contact us.

Got a question?

asked questions

If your brand wants to stand out in the market, this service is for you! Playable ads are flexible and can be used in many different ways, the limit is our creativity (luckily we have a lot of it). Find out more on our services page.

The production cost of playable ads is slightly higher than traditional ads, but the final results have a lower customer acquisition cost. If you want to know the exact value, contact our team to create a budget.

More attention from users; More meaningful ads; More qualified lead; Better brand awareness; More customer data without being invasive; Lower Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

No, after the playable ads are finished you are free to use the playable ad as many times as you want for as long as you want. Although we do not recommend using it for a very long period without changing anything, our team can support future updates or even create new ones.

Yes, all data collected is GDPR compliant.

Please contact us with your company information so we can prepare a demo.

We develop playable ads to be compatible with the main platforms on the market.


Got a projet?

Let’s talk
