How Interactive DOOH Can Boost Brand Awareness Compared to TV Commercials

If marketing were a race, TV commercials would be the reliable marathon runner, while Interactive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising would be the agile sprinter making dynamic moves on the track. To the casual observer, both seem to be running towards the same finish line, but the paths they take are strikingly different. And you, dear […]

Playable Ads to Combat Banner Blindness

Did you know that 86% of consumers suffer from banner blindness, ignoring most display ads? The problem is that traditional banner ads are becoming increasingly ineffective. Consumers have trained themselves to overlook these ads, resulting in wasted marketing budgets and missed engagement opportunities. According to a study by Invesp , only 14% of people remember […]

What Interactive AR Can Do for Your Brand

Did you know that consumer engagement has dropped by 20% over the past year? Gartner recently reported this alarming statistic, shedding light on a growing challenge for marketers worldwide. Brands are struggling to capture and retain the attention of their audience, leading to a significant decline in marketing ROI. In an era where consumer attention […]

How Gamification Drives Immediate Customer Engagement and Loyalty

How to Increase Customer Engagement and Retention Through Gamification Did you know that companies using gamification can experience a 47% increase in engagement? Salesforce reveals that gamification is not just a buzzword but a potent strategy for driving customer engagement and retention. In today’s competitive market, one of the significant challenges marketers face is keeping […]

Why Branded Mini-Games Outshine Traditional Ads

Did you know that 74% of consumers are actively avoiding ads? [Source] The problem is that traditional ads are losing their efficacy. Consumers have become adept at ignoring them, leading to wasted marketing budgets and missed engagement opportunities. According to a study by Nielsen, only 33% of digital advertising is deemed effective by consumers. [Source] […]

Combat Banner Blindness with Interactive Videos

Did you know that only 14% of consumers remember the last display ad they saw? The problem is that traditional online ads are increasingly becoming invisible to users. Banner blindness is causing businesses to lose potential customers every day. In a study by Nielsen Norman Group, it was found that users tend to ignore anything […]

The Rise of John Hanke, the Creator of Pokémon GO

What if I told you that John Hanke, the genius behind Pokémon GO, made a whopping $1.2 billion in 2016? 🤯 Believe it or not, it wasn’t always a walk in the park for him. In fact, Hanke had his fair share of blunders before hitting it big. Ready to hear about the successes and […]

Why Branded Mini-Games Are Your Key to Captivating Audiences

Did you know that the average person’s attention span has decreased to just 8 seconds? In today’s over-saturated market, grabbing and holding consumer attention has become more challenging than ever. With endless content vying for your audience’s limited attention, traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness. A study by Microsoft found that since the year […]

Why Interactive Videos Boost Engagement and Retention

Did you know that companies with high customer engagement levels outperform their competitors by 202%? Yet, marketers are struggling to keep their customers engaged. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a critical issue that directly impacts conversion rates and brand loyalty. A study by HubSpot revealed that 63% of marketers say generating traffic and […]

Why Advergames Are the Key to Reviving Brand Loyalty

How Declining Audience Engagement is Threatening Brand Loyalty and How Implementing Advergames Can Revitalize Customer Interaction and Foster Stronger Brand Connections Did you know that only 32% of consumers feel that brands are effectively engaging them? The problem is that declining audience engagement is leading to a significant threat to brand loyalty. Without sustained interaction, […]