How to Make Playable Ads for Mobile Games

An image shows three stages of a mobile game ad (Playable ad) displayed on a smartphone screen. Each stage is depicted on a white smartphone with a colorful game interface.

First Screen: On the left, a prompt encourages players to earn a free booster to help finish level 14. The text reads, "Feeling stuck? Earn a free booster to finish level 14!" with a button below saying, "Play to win free booster." An animated character with big eyes adds a playful touch to the screen.

Second Screen: In the middle, the gameplay is shown. A finger icon indicates interaction with the game, suggesting the player is about to make a move in the puzzle game. The game board is filled with colorful, candy-like pieces that need to be matched.

Third Screen: On the right, a congratulatory message is displayed, indicating the player has won a booster. The text says, "Congratulations! here is your booster." A large candy swirl icon with the number 1 and the word "WINNER" emphasizes the reward. A button below reads, "OPEN THE APP," prompting the player to continue.

The overall design is engaging and vibrant, aiming to attract players to interact with the game and earn rewards.

Looking to supercharge user engagement and drive a surge in app installs? You’re in the right place. Playable ads are transforming the digital marketing landscape, and today, we’re diving deep into how you can leverage them for maximum impact.

This guide will walk you through every step of creating compelling playable ads that captivate users from the moment they see them. From understanding why playable ads outperform traditional banners to prototyping with tools like Unity, and including all the crucial elements for maximum effectiveness, we’ve got you covered.

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Playable Ads?
  2. The Benefits of Playable Ads
  3. Steps to Create Playable Ads
    1. Define Your Objectives
    2. Choose the Right Platform
    3. Create a Prototype
    4. Develop the Playable Ad
    5. Test Your Ad
    6. Launch and Monitor
  4. Best Practices for Creating Playable Ads
  5. FAQs About Playable Ads
  6. Conclusion

What Are Playable Ads?

A person is seen reclining on a couch while playing a game on their smartphone. The individual is holding the phone with both hands, and the screen displays a futuristic, action-packed game scene featuring a character in a high-tech environment. The person's legs are stretched out, wearing casual athletic shorts and sneakers. The background is slightly blurred, focusing the attention on the gaming activity. The setting appears relaxed and comfortable, emphasizing a leisure moment spent on mobile gaming.

Before we get into the details of creating playable ads, let’s first understand what they are. Playable ads, or “playables,” are a type of ad format that lets users try a scaled-down version of an app or game before they install it. This format offers a hands-on experience, allowing potential users to engage with the content directly. According to Singular, this interactive approach significantly increases user engagement and conversion rates. Research from Marketing Tech News confirms that playable ads drive 20 times more installs than banner ads, making them an effective advertising tool.

The Benefits of Playable Ads

Playable ads offer several advantages:

  • Higher Engagement: Users can interact with the ad, making it more engaging.
  • Better Conversion Rates: Playable ads are more likely to convert users into app installers.
  • User Experience: They provide a preview of the app, ensuring that users know what they’re getting into.
  • Reduced Uninstalls: Since users have already tried the app, they’re less likely to uninstall it later.

Steps to Create Playable Ads

The image showcases four different mobile game ads from various brands, each displayed on a smartphone screen. Below each screen, the brand name and the type of playable ad are indicated.

Hasbro - Nerf Blaster Playable:

The screen shows a game where players can choose their dart and engage in a shooting activity with a Nerf blaster. The game seems to be set in an outdoor environment with targets to hit.
Lego - Lego City Playable:

The game features a construction-themed environment from Lego City. A character wearing a hard hat is present, and the player can interact with elements such as cranes and building blocks. The score and time are displayed at the top.
Cheetos - Rock Paper Scissors Playable:

This ad presents a game of rock-paper-scissors using Cheetos snacks as the main elements. The screen shows a hand about to make a move, and Cheetos pieces are seen in the foreground.
Unilever-Nogger - Trampoline Playable:

The game involves a character jumping on a trampoline in a tropical beach setting. The screen displays a timer and an interface that likely measures the height or success of the jumps.
Each ad is designed to be interactive and engaging, allowing users to play a mini-game related to the respective brand's theme or product.

Creating playable ads may seem daunting, but it can be broken down into manageable steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you get started.

1. Define Your Objectives

Before you start, define what you want to achieve with your playable ad. Are you looking to increase app installs, drive brand awareness, or boost user engagement? Your objective will guide the entire ad creation process.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Different platforms offer various tools and resources for creating playable ads. For instance, Facebook and TikTok have specific guidelines and tools to help you design your ads.

3. Create a Prototype

Start by creating a prototype of your playable ad. This can be a simplified version of your app or game that highlights its core features. You can use tools like Unity, HTML5, or specialized ad creation software.

Example: Creating a Prototype with Unity

Unity is a popular choice for creating playable ads, especially for games. You can use Unity’s 2DKit to design a simple interactive ad. This involves creating an HTML.index file and ensuring that all necessary assets are inlined.

4. Develop the Playable Ad

Once your prototype is ready, move on to development. This involves coding the interactive elements and ensuring that the ad functions smoothly. If you’re using Unity, you can integrate Project Tiny, an official Unity library that minimizes the game’s resources.

5. Test Your Ad

Before launching, it’s essential to test your playable ad to ensure it works as intended. Test it on various devices and platforms to identify any issues. Make sure the ad is neither too hard nor too easy to engage users effectively.

6. Launch and Monitor

After testing, launch your playable ad on your chosen platform. Monitor its performance and make necessary adjustments to optimize its effectiveness.

Best Practices for Creating Playable Ads for mobile

The image displays three different interactive mobile game ads on separate smartphone screens.

Left Screen:

The ad promotes a ride-hailing service. The screen shows a map with a prompt to "Request your ride" and an instruction to "Pick Up Passenger." There's a "TAP" button indicating where the user should interact. The interface resembles a navigation app, with the ad encouraging users to get the app.
Middle Screen:

This ad is for a soccer game called "Flick Shoot." The screen shows a soccer field with a goal in the background. A hand icon demonstrates how to play by "kicking the ball by drawing a line upwards." The ad includes an "INSTALL NOW!" button at the top right corner, enticing users to download the game.
Right Screen:

The ad features a construction or racing game involving trucks. The game appears to have a side-scrolling mechanic where players control a truck navigating through obstacles. The screen displays score and health indicators, and there is an "INSTALL NOW" button at the top right, encouraging users to download the game.
Each ad is interactive, aiming to engage the user by providing a taste of the gameplay experience and prompting them to install the respective apps.

To be successful, consider these practices:

Keep It Simple

Your ad should be easy to understand and engage with. Avoid overly complicated mechanics that might confuse users.

Optimize for Mobile

Most of them are viewed on mobile devices. Ensure that your ad is optimized for various screen sizes and resolutions.

Highlight Key Features

Focus on the most engaging aspects of your app or game. This will help capture users’ attention quickly.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your ad should have a clear and compelling CTA, encouraging users to download the app or take the desired action.


1. How to make playable game ads?

  1. Interactive Video: Developers integrate video footage with HTML code. This approach is ideal for 3D or cinematic ads.
  2. HTML Video: Developers create playable game ads from scratch using HTML.

For more details, visit AppSamurai’s guide.

2. How much do playable ads cost?

The cost can vary. On Android, they cost less than half the price of native ads, averaging around $1.22. They are 20 times more likely to drive installs compared to banner ads.

For more information, check out Marketing Tech News.

3. How to create playable ads on Facebook?

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and create a new campaign.
  2. Select the App promotion objective.
  3. Click edit next to App promotion campaign types and select App Ads.
  4. Choose an app you want to promote before uploading a playable source file.
  5. In the Placements section, choose your placements.

For a detailed guide, visit Meta Business Help Center.

4. How can I create playable ads without any company’s tool in Unity?

If you prefer not to use a company’s tool, you can download official Unity tools and examine their code. Alternatively, use a proxy to scan and understand how existing they are built.


Creating playable ads can be a highly effective way to engage users and drive app installs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop compelling and interactive ads that capture users’ attention. Remember to keep it simple, optimize for mobile, and include a clear CTA.

Thank you for taking the time to read this comprehensive guide. We hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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