
How Interactive DOOH Ads Can Transform Your Brand Visibility

A woman is standing in front of a large digital display (DOOH) in a shopping mall. The display shows an underwater scene with a man holding a Sony smartphone, taking a selfie. The image on the right shows the same man smiling while holding the phone, which displays a picture of the woman. The display features the Sony logo and the hashtag #DemandGreat. The woman appears to be interacting with the display, creating an engaging and immersive advertisement.

Did you know that 70% of consumers remember ads they see on digital out-of-home (DOOH) screens?

The problem is that traditional outdoor advertising is becoming increasingly cluttered, making it nearly impossible for brands to stand out.

According to a 2021 study by Nielsen, 65% of people find billboard ads to be overbearing and ignore them altogether Nielsen.

You’re probably wondering: How can you make sure your brand doesn’t get lost in the noise?

Even with the perfect location and a creative design, your ad can still go unnoticed in a sea of billboards and posters.

But here’s the good news: Interactive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising offers a powerful solution to this visibility problem.

So, what will you gain from this article?

A clear framework to leverage interactive DOOH ads to capture and retain consumer attention.

Ready to make your outdoor ads impossible to ignore?

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  1. Why traditional outdoor advertising is losing its charm
  2. The clutter conundrum
  3. Lack of engagement
  4. Limited analytics
  5. The power of visibility in outdoor advertising
  6. Immediate impact
  7. Brand recall
  8. Actionability
  9. The interactive DOOH advantage
  10. Dynamic content
  11. Interactivity
  12. Real-time analytics
  13. Case study: Coca-Cola’s interactive DOOH campaign
  14. Implementing interactive DOOH ads: A step-by-step guide
  15. Step 1: Define your objectives
  16. Step 2: Choose the right locations
  17. Step 3: Create engaging content
  18. Step 4: Integrate technology
  19. Step 5: Monitor and optimize
  20. Conclusion

Why traditional outdoor advertising is losing its charm

A large blank billboard stands beside a highway, illuminated against the twilight sky. The empty billboard is ready for advertising content, with a few lights on top aimed at the display area. Below, the highway curves with light trails from passing vehicles, indicating movement and activity. The backdrop features a mix of urban infrastructure and vegetation, with streetlights and power lines visible in the distance.

Traditional billboards and posters have been the backbone of outdoor advertising for decades. While they still offer value, their effectiveness is waning in the face of digital transformation and sensory overload.

The clutter conundrum

The outdoor advertising space is oversaturated. On any given day, an average city dweller is exposed to hundreds of billboards, posters, and signage. This creates a phenomenon known as “ad fatigue,” where consumers become desensitized to traditional ads and simply tune them out.

Lack of engagement

Static ads lack the ability to engage with consumers. They are one-way communication channels that don’t invite interaction or provide personalized experiences. This is a significant drawback in an era where consumers crave engagement and interactivity.

Limited analytics

Traditional outdoor ads provide minimal data on their performance. You can’t precisely measure how many people saw your billboard or gauge their reactions. This lack of analytics makes it challenging to optimize your campaigns effectively.

The power of visibility in outdoor advertising

Visibility is the linchpin of successful outdoor advertising. Without it, even the most creative ad will fail to make an impact. Here’s why visibility is crucial:

Immediate impact

Highly visible ads can capture attention instantly. This is essential in fast-paced environments where consumers don’t have the time or inclination to study complex messages.

Brand recall

Visibility enhances brand recall. The more often consumers see your ad, the more likely they are to remember your brand. This repeated exposure is key to building brand recognition and loyalty.


Visible ads are more likely to prompt immediate action. Whether it’s visiting a website, making a purchase, or sharing information with friends, highly visible ads drive consumer behavior more effectively.

The interactive DOOH advantage

The image compares two types of billboards: a traditional billboard and a digital LED billboard.

On the left side, the traditional billboard is situated in a grassy field, displaying an advertisement for Geico with the text "DO YOU LIKE SAVING MONEY?" against a yellow background. The billboard is static and weathered, indicative of its fixed and unchanging nature.

On the right side, the digital LED billboard is located in an urban environment, showcasing multiple dynamic advertisements including brands like Samsung and GAP. The digital billboard is vibrant and capable of displaying changing content, offering a modern and versatile approach to advertising.

The text "TRADITIONAL BILLBOARD" is positioned at the top of the left side, and "DIGITAL LED BILLBOARD" is at the top of the right side. The word "VS" in green is placed in the center, highlighting the comparison between the two types of billboards.

Interactive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) ads offer a compelling solution to the visibility challenges of traditional outdoor advertising. Here’s how they can help your brand stand out:

Dynamic content

Unlike static billboards, DOOH ads can display dynamic, changing content. This keeps the ad fresh and engaging, capturing consumer attention more effectively.


Interactive DOOH ads invite consumers to engage with the ad. This could be through touchscreens, QR codes, or mobile integration. This two-way interaction creates a more memorable experience and encourages deeper engagement with your brand.

Real-time analytics

DOOH platforms provide real-time analytics, allowing you to measure the performance of your ads accurately. You can track metrics such as impressions, engagement, and conversions, enabling you to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Case study: Coca-Cola’s interactive DOOH campaign

Coca-Cola leveraged interactive DOOH ads in their “Share a Coke” campaign. They used digital screens that allowed consumers to input their names and see personalized Coke cans on the screen. This interactive element significantly boosted consumer engagement and made the campaign a viral success.

You can read more about this campaign here.

Implementing interactive DOOH ads: A step-by-step guide

A creative bus stop advertisement features a LEGO-themed display. The ad depicts a pixelated scene of a road with buildings in the background, created entirely with LEGO bricks. In the center of the image, a colorful, cartoonish character appears to be breaking through the pavement, adding a playful and imaginative touch. The top left corner of the ad shows the LEGO logo with the word "IMAGINE" next to it. The ad is designed to inspire creativity and highlight the versatility of LEGO bricks. The surrounding environment includes a city street with vehicles and greenery.

Step 1: Define your objectives

What do you want to achieve with your interactive DOOH campaign? Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or engaging with consumers, having clear objectives is crucial.

Step 2: Choose the right locations

Select high-traffic areas where your target audience is likely to be. The location of your DOOH ads will significantly impact their visibility and effectiveness.

Step 3: Create engaging content

Develop dynamic and interactive content that will capture attention and encourage engagement. Use high-quality visuals and compelling calls to action.

Step 4: Integrate technology

Leverage technologies such as touchscreens, QR codes, and mobile integration to make your DOOH ads interactive. Ensure that the technology is user-friendly and enhances the consumer experience.

Step 5: Monitor and optimize

Use real-time analytics to monitor the performance of your DOOH ads. Track metrics such as impressions, engagement, and conversions. Use this data to optimize your campaigns and maximize their effectiveness.


The world is noisy, cluttered, and constantly changing. Traditional outdoor advertising is like shouting into a windstorm—your message gets lost before it even reaches the ears you intended. But the beauty of Interactive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising is that it cuts through the noise, creating a moment of clarity in the chaos.

Visibility isn’t just a metric; it’s the heartbeat of your campaign. It’s the difference between being seen and being remembered. And in a crowded marketplace, being remembered is the ultimate currency.

Interactive DOOH ads offer something traditional billboards can’t: engagement. They invite your audience to participate, to play, to be a part of your story. And when people engage, they remember. They act.

So here’s the challenge: Don’t settle for being another billboard that blends into the background. Use the power of interactive DOOH to turn heads, spark conversations, and make your brand unforgettable.

Ready to transform your outdoor advertising strategy?

Start implementing interactive DOOH ads today and watch your brand visibility soar. Because in a world full of noise, it’s the clear, engaging, and unforgettable messages that truly stand out.

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